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Sunday, June 14, 2009


What can I say..it's been a long two weeks. I've been down in the dumps, and just plain feeling sorry for myself. It is so easy to fall into a moment of depression when I review the past year of my life. I refuse to let it get the best of me though. I'm a fighter; I learned from the best...my parents. I miss my Dad, my brother Gary, and everyone else that has left this earth before me. At first, I was in denial, but lately little things remind me of them more and more. It's hard to believe that my brother has been gone almost 13 months, and it's even harder to grasp the reality of my Daddy being gone over 10 months. I have so much to say to them. They have missed so many moments this past year, or maybe it is just us that have missed the moments with them. Either way, I just miss them being here.

Kyle was with me the past couple weeks, and it was great being able to spend the days with him. He needs so much guidance, and I'm trying to be there for him. I love him unconditionally. He is an incredible young man (uhh...I hate to admit he's growing up). I'm very proud of his courage, strength, and devotion to his family.

Things are great with my bunch. Steve, Mateo, and our kiddos are currently at the park. Did I mention I have the most amazing husband? I really do. He's sick, and still taking time for them. The kids and I are incredibly lucky to have him. Hopefully, we have impacted his life the way he has impacted ours.

Hmm...what else has been going on? We have been having dinner with Ruth and Mrs. Cindy :) lately. That has been great, and we are both loving spending time with them. We are all going on vacation on Spring break, and let me tell ya March needs to come on..lol. I'm very excited to be spending time with Steve's family!

Lastly, additional proof that we are truly blessed is the fact that Steve, the kids, and I survived the tornado in O.B. Friday. For those that know me well, ya'll know I freak out in storms. Friday was no different, but to my defense Steve was even scared. (You wont ever get him to admit it though). He was my "hero" as always though. He got us, including Bryleigh screaming " I'm scarey Daddy", to safety.

I've rambled on about various things, but my point is that even with all the sadness, I have lots of happiness. I am truly blessed :)

Until next time,


Here are some pics from the past couple weeks......

Pap and Chris...."bestfriends"

Pic. I took of sweet baby Aidan

Chris hanging out in Mamaw's pool